
Provides Insightful Analysis of Equipment Lease & Loan Portfolios


Understand Your Portfolio

Manage risk by understanding portfolio concentrations and attributes.


Visualize Profitability

Optimize profitability by utilizing easy-to-use analytics and visual segmentation tools.


Forecast Any Outcome

Accurately prepare for any future eventuality by identifying historical trends and extrapolating insights.


Respond to Global Occurrences

Quickly process portfolio-wide modifications.

Perform Comprehensive Portfolio Analysis

Measure portfolio profitability by segment, customer, financial product, credit, channel, geography or sales professional across all transactions.

Create multiple portfolios for analysis and evaluate individual transactions, segments of a portfolio or an entire portfolio.

Use Portfolio Intelligence to generate pivot tables to segment and validate your assumptions on any asset class, like aviation equipment.
Portfolio Intelligence is used to run 'what-if' scenarios on any asset class, like marine equipment, to understand all probable outcomes and enable data-driven decision making.

Run "What-If" Scenarios

Use “what-if” scenarios to better understand and manage risk factors.

Modify existing transactions by altering assumptions and watch income, tax deferrals and yields dynamically change on the dashboard.

Structure Buy-Sell Transactions

Syndicate all or part of a portfolio for sale or evaluate a portfolio for purchase in a matter of minutes with advanced syndication tools.

Identify deals that meet your buying and selling criteria using extensive analytical options — static pool analyses, sensitivity analyses and “what-if” scenarios — delivered via dashboards and shareable reports.

Calculate a simple internal rate of return (IRR) or present value or a sophisticated risk-based tax affected return — on up to half a million transactions at once.

“Portfolio Intelligence has helped us to manage and analyze profitability and contribution data across segments, regions and verticals. It has become a key tool for management and in making strategic investment decisions.”

- Keith Moore, Senior Vice President, Truist Bank

Portfolio Intelligence Features

Accounting ClassificationDefine transactions as operating, direct finance, leveraged or simple loans
Advanced Yields and StatisticsAccurately calculate the present value of cash flows, tax-affected yields, risk-based yields, book yields
ForecastCreate forecasted business and combine with existing business runoff to measure the potential impact on your business
OverridesReplace cost, residual, risk, or any other assumption and see adjusted portfolio yield
Profit ViewsMeasure profitability across an entire portfolio or business segments
Portfolio ImportingImport equipment finance portfolios from other systems using an easy-to-use wizard
ReportsGenerate cash flow, accounting, tax and yields proof reports, and many more
SyndicationSort, price and sell an entire portfolio or segments of a portfolio to bought, sold, or securitized outcomes
Tax ClassificationDetermine what leases are tax-affected and how to measure tax deferral benefit
What-If AnalysisAlter assumptions with sophisticated and flexible analysis tools